Source code for const

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Contains redscience constants plus functions for internationalization
and versioning.

Most constants in this module are encoded as a :doc:`category.Category <category>`
or as a NamedTuple_. Each displays in the locale set via `setlang()`_
and excludes members not in the version set via `setvers()`_.


  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  ipywidgets.Dropdown(options=sorted(Command), value=Command.QUIT)
  fig = plt.figure(1,(
  ax = ttt.AXES(fig)
      x = 1,
      y = 1,
      c = Color.WHITE.HEX,
      marker = Marker.CIRCLE.CODE,
      edgecolors = Color.BLACK.HEX,

.. _babel.core.Locale:
.. _enum.IntEnum:
.. _matplotlib.axes.Axes:
.. _matplotlib.figure.Figure:
.. _matplotlib.marker: marker
.. _NamedTuple:
.. _numpy.array:
.. _portion.interval.Interval:

import collections
import enum
import functools
import itertools
from typing import (

import category
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

setlang = category.babelwrap.setlang
setvers = category.setvers
format_list = category.babelwrap.format_list
format_decimal = category.babelwrap.format_decimal
format_percent = category.babelwrap.format_percent
format_unit = category.babelwrap.format_unit
format_datetime = category.babelwrap.format_datetime
from_version = category.from_version
ALL = category.ALL

def _(message: str) -> str:
    """Defined for type hint, then replaced at bottom."""
    return message

class _Color(NamedTuple):
    STR: str
    HEX: str
    VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL

[docs]class Color(category.Categorized): """Color used in a game. E.g.:: Color.BLACK **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the color prints. :HEX (str): A hex code to communicate the color to computers. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this color. """ # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Black circle to (2,1)" BLACK = _Color(STR=_("black"), HEX="#000000") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: White circle to (2,1)" WHITE = _Color(STR=_("white"), HEX="#ffffff") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Pink circle to (2,1)" PINK = _Color(STR=_("pink"), HEX="#ff81c0") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Yellow circle to (2,1)" YELLOW = _Color(STR=_("yellow"), HEX="#ffff14") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Orange circle to (2,1)" ORANGE = _Color(STR=_("orange"), HEX="#fdaa48") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Blue circle to (2,1)" BLUE = _Color(STR=_("blue"), HEX="#95d0fc") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Purple circle to (2,1)" PURPLE = _Color(STR=_("purple"), HEX="#bf77f6") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Green circle to (2,1)" GREEN = _Color(STR=_("green"), HEX="#96f97b") # TRANSLATOR: Color of game piece as in "Move: Gray circle to (2,1)" GRAY = _Color(STR=_("gray"), HEX="#929591")
PlayerColor = category.ctg(*Color[0:4], name="PlayerColor") # type: ignore[misc]
[docs]class Layout(enum.IntEnum): """Layout constants. E.g.:: Layout.POINTS_PER_INCH See enum.IntEnum_ """ FIGURE_WIDTH = 5 FIGURE_HEIGHT = 5 POINTS_PER_INCH = 54 MARKER_MARGIN = 8
class _Command(NamedTuple): STR: str KEY: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class Command(category.Categorized): """Command from user to the application. E.g.:: Command.NEW **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the command prints. :KEY (str): A localized shortcut key. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this command. Each command tests ``==`` to its ``KEY`` as well as to itself. For example, if the language is English: >>> Command.NEW == "n" True """ # TRANSLATOR: This is the command to start a new game (e.g. button text). # TRANSLATOR: This is the shortcut key to start a new game. # It should match the key listed in the prompt. NEW = _Command(STR=_("Play New"), KEY=_("n")) # TRANSLATOR: This is the command to end the application (e.g. button text). # TRANSLATOR: This is the shortcut key to end the application. # It should match the key listed in the prompt. QUIT = _Command(STR=_("Quit"), KEY=_("q")) # TRANSLATOR: This is the command to reverse last user input (e.g. button text). # TRANSLATOR: This is the shortcut key to back-up by one user input. # It should match the key listed in the prompt. UNDO = _Command(STR=_("Back"), KEY=_("z")) def __eq__(self: "Command", other) -> bool: return ( other.lower() == self.KEY if type(other) is str else category.Categorized.__eq__(self, other) ) def __ne__(self: "Command", other) -> bool: return not self.__eq__(other)
class _PlayersOption(NamedTuple): STR: str NUM: int VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class PlayersOption(category.Categorized): """Category of game by number/relationship of players. E.g.:: PlayersOption.TWO **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the option prints. :NUM (int): The number of regular players. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this option. """ # TRANSLATOR: Category to describe games with two regular players TWO = _PlayersOption(STR=_("2-Player"), NUM=2) # TRANSLATOR: Category to describe games with three regular players THREE = _PlayersOption(STR=_("3-Player"), NUM=3)
class _Marker(NamedTuple): STR: str CODE: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class Marker(category.Categorized): """The shape of a game piece. E.g.:: Marker.CIRCLE **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the narker prints. :CODE (str): A matplotlib.marker_. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this marker. """ # TRANSLATOR: Description of the pyplot marker CIRCLE = _Marker(STR=_("circle"), CODE="o")
class _StalemateOption(NamedTuple): STR: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class StalemateOption(category.Categorized): """How statemate ends a game. E.g.:: StalemateOption.DRAW **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the option prints. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this option. """ # TRANSLATOR: A rule that the game ends in a draw if there is a stalemate DRAW = _StalemateOption(STR=_("stalemate draws"))
class _ColorOption(NamedTuple): STR: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class ColorOption(category.Categorized): """Category of game by how it treats colors. E.g.:: ColorOption.ASSIGNED **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the option prints. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this marker. """ # TRANSLATOR: A rule that each player is assigned their own unique color ASSIGNED = _ColorOption( STR=_("Assigned Colors"), )
class _BoardOption(NamedTuple): STR: str AX: Callable[[matplotlib.figure.Figure, tuple], matplotlib.axes.Axes] VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class BoardOption(category.Categorized): """Category of game board. E.g.:: BoardOption.HASH **BoardValue Attributes**: :STR (str): A localized name. How the option prints. :AX (Callable): Function to return matplotlib.axes.Axes_, given a matplotlib.figure.Figure_ and tuple of dimensions. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this option. """ def _hash_board(fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure, dims: tuple) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: # Tic-Tac-Toe board rows, cols = dims[0], dims[1] gs = fig.add_gridspec(1, 1) ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) ax.patch.set_alpha(0.0) ax.spines["top"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["bottom"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("none") ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels([""]) ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position("none") ax.yaxis.set_ticklabels([""]) ax.grid(True) ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0.5, cols + 0.5, 1)) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0.5, rows + 0.5, 1)) plt.xlim(cols + 0.5, 0.5) plt.ylim(0.5, rows + 0.5) return ax # TRANSLATOR: The type of board used for Tic-Tac-Toe, as in "Played on a hash (3,3)" HASH = _BoardOption(STR=_("a hash"), AX=_hash_board)
class _DirectionsValue(NamedTuple): STR: str CALL: Callable[[int], tuple] VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class Directions(category.Categorized): """Categories of ways in which to move or build in square-tiled space. E.g:: >>> Directions.DIAGONAL(2) ((1,1), (1,-1), (-1,1), (-1,-1)) Args: dimensions (int): The number of dimensions in the space Returns: tuple: Of relative coordinates (each a numpy.array_ of int) **Attributes**: :STR (str): A localized name. How the Directions prints. :CALL (Callable): The bound method that yields the tuples. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this option. Tip: To get cache info:: """ @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8) def _any_direction(self: "Directions", dimensions: int): zero = tuple([0] * dimensions) unfiltered = itertools.product([1, 0, -1], repeat=dimensions) return tuple([np.array(x) for x in unfiltered if x != zero]) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8) def _orthogonal(self: "Directions", dimensions: int): return tuple(np.identity(dimensions, dtype=int)) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8) def _diagonal(self: "Directions", dimensions: int): orthogonals = list(map(tuple, self.orthogonal(dimensions))) return tuple( [x for x in self.any_direction(dimensions) if tuple(x) not in orthogonals] ) @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=8) def _knight(self: "Directions", dimensions: int): spots = [] for spot in itertools.product([2, 1, 0, -1, -2], repeat=dimensions): inring = (spot.count(2) + spot.count(-2)) == 1 orthogonal = spot.count(0) >= (dimensions - 1) if inring and not orthogonal: spots.append(np.array(spot)) return tuple(spots) # TRANSLATOR: Category of directions in which chess queen can move ANY = _DirectionsValue(STR=_("any direction"), CALL=_any_direction) # TRANSLATOR: Category of directions in which chess bishop can move DIAGONAL = _DirectionsValue(STR=_("diagonal"), CALL=_diagonal) # TRANSLATOR: Category of directions in which chess rook can move ORTHOGONAL = _DirectionsValue(STR=_("orthogonal"), CALL=_orthogonal) # TRANSLATOR: Category of directions in which chess knight can move KNIGHT = _DirectionsValue(STR=_("knight move"), CALL=_knight)
class _OutcomeValue(NamedTuple): STR: str FORMAT: str CALL: Callable[["Outcome", List[str]], str] VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class Outcome(category.Categorized): """Function to apply localized formatting to strings. E.g: >>> winners = (DefaultName.PLAYER_ONE, DefaultName.PLAYER_THREE) >>> Outcome.VICTORY(players=winners) 'Victory: Player 1 and Player 3' Args: **kwargs: a str for each bookmark in the STR Returns: str: The localized string. **OutcomeValue Attributes**: :STR (str): A localized name. How the Directions prints. :CALL (Callable): The bound method that yields the str. :FORMAT (str): The formatted string for the ``CALL``. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this option. """ def _formatter(self: "Outcome", players: List[str]) -> str: return self.FORMAT.format(players=format_list(players)) # TRANSLATOR: Labels {winners} as the winner(s) of a game # e.g. "Victory: Player 1 and Player 3" VICTORY = _OutcomeValue( STR=_("Victory"), FORMAT=_("Victory: {players}"), CALL=_formatter, )
class _CheckOption(NamedTuple): STR: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL PATTERN: Optional[str] = None DIRECTIONS: Optional[_DirectionsValue] = None OUTCOME: Optional[_OutcomeValue] = None
[docs]class CheckOption(category.Categorized): """Game rules checked at the end of each move. E.g.:: CheckOption.THREE_SAME_COLOR_IN_ROW_WINS **Attributes**: :STR (str): A localized name. How the option prints. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this option. :PATTERN (str): If specified, a type of pattern to be checked. Default to None. :DIRECTIONS (Directions_): If specified, directions in which to check the pattern. Default to None. :OUTCOME (Outcome_): If specified, the outcome if the check triggers. Default to None. """ # TRANSLATOR: Game rule to award the win to any player that aranges three # pieces of the same color in a row THREE_SAME_COLOR_IN_ROW_WINS = _CheckOption( STR=_("first 3-same-color-in-a-row wins"), PATTERN="CCC", DIRECTIONS=Directions.ANY, OUTCOME=Outcome.VICTORY, )
[docs]def ntversions(self: Iterable) -> Iterable: """The versions which offer a NamedTuple. E.g.:: @property def VERSIONS(self) -> Iterable: return ntversions(self) Note: This function assumes that each attribute that can contain values specific to a version has a VERSIONS attribute listing valid versions as a portion.interval.Interval_ """ versions = ALL for attr in self: if hasattr(attr, "VERSIONS"): versions = versions & attr.VERSIONS # type: ignore[attr-defined] return versions
[docs]class PieceRules(NamedTuple): """Rules for a type of piece in a game. E.g.:: PieceRules(INITIAL_RESERVES=(5,4)) **Attributes:** :INITIAL_RESERVES (Tuple[int, ...]): Specifies the number of each color in initial reserves, e.g. (5, 4) means start with 5 of the first color and 4 of the second color in reserve. """ INITIAL_RESERVES: Tuple[int, ...] @property def RESERVES_STR(self: "PieceRules") -> str: """A constant localized str describing initial reserves for the piece. E.g.: >>> piece.RESERVES_STR '5 black and 4 white start in reserve' """ by_color = [] for index in range(len(self.INITIAL_RESERVES)): # TRANSLATOR: Part of a list of amounts of game pieces. # e.g. "5 black" in "5 black and 4 white start in reserve" by_color.append( _("{number} {color}").format( number=self.INITIAL_RESERVES[index], color=str(Color[index]).lower(), # type: ignore[misc] ), ) # TRANSLATOR: The rule for how many to have in reserve when a game # begins.. E.g. "5 black and 2 white start in reserve" return _("{list} start in reserve").format(list=format_list(by_color)) @property def STRS(self: "PieceRules") -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get tuple of strings describing the rules for the piece. E.g.:: >>> piece.STRS ('No movement', 'No power', '5 black and 4 white start in reserve') """ lines = [self.RESERVES_STR] return tuple(lines) def __str__(self: "PieceRules") -> str: return "/n".join(self.STRS) @property def VERSIONS(self) -> Iterable: """The versions which offer this piece. E.g.:: >>> piece.VERSIONS (-inf, +inf) """ return ntversions(self)
[docs]class Game(NamedTuple): """A game definition. E.g.:: Game() # To use all defaults (i.e. Tic-Tac-Toe) **Attributes:** :PLAYERS (PlayersOption_): If specified, determines the number/ relationship of players. Default is 2-Player. :COLOR (ColorOption_): If specified, determines the significance of colors. Default is Assigned Colors. :BOARD (BoardOption_): If specified, determines the type of board. Default is hash. :DIMENSIONS (Tuple[int, ...]): If specified, determines the dimensions of the board. Default is (3,3). :PIECES (Tuple[PieceRules_, ...]): If specified, determines piece-specific rules. Default is to have only one type of piece (circle) with 5 black and 4 white circles starting in reserve. :MOVE_CHECKS (Tuple[CheckOption_, ...]): If specified, determines which rules are checked at the end of each move. Can be None. Default is to award the win to any player that gets three of the same color in a row. :STALEMATE (StalemateOption_): If specified, determines the result of stalemate. Default is that stalemate results in a draw. """ PLAYERS: _PlayersOption = PlayersOption.TWO COLOR: _ColorOption = ColorOption.ASSIGNED BOARD: _BoardOption = BoardOption.HASH DIMENSIONS: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 3) PIECES: Tuple[PieceRules, ...] = (PieceRules(INITIAL_RESERVES=(5, 4)),) MOVE_CHECKS: Union[Tuple[()], Tuple[_CheckOption, ...]] = ( CheckOption.THREE_SAME_COLOR_IN_ROW_WINS, ) STALEMATE: _StalemateOption = StalemateOption.DRAW @property def STRS(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """A Tuple of localized strings describing the game. E.g: >>> Game().STRS ('Played on a hash (3, 3)', '2-Player', 'Assigned Colors', 'Circle: 5 black and 4 white start in reserve', 'First 3-same-color-in-a-row wins', 'Stalemate draws') """ lines = [] # TRANSLATOR: Line defining a game board e.g. "Played on hash (3,3)" for # Tic-Tac-Toe where {board} is "hash" and {dimensions} is "(3,3)" lines.append( _("Played on {board} {dimensions}").format( dimensions=str(self.DIMENSIONS), board=str(self.BOARD), ) ) lines.append(str(self.PLAYERS)) lines.append(str(self.COLOR)) for index in range(len(self.PIECES)): # TRANSLATOR: Line defining rules for a type of game piece/card # e.g. "Circle: Immobile, 5 black and 4 white start in reserve" lines.append( _("{shape}: {rules}") .format( shape=str(Marker[index]), # type: ignore[misc] rules=format_list(list(self.PIECES[index].STRS)), ) .capitalize() ) for rule in self.MOVE_CHECKS: lines.append(str(rule).capitalize()) lines.append(str(self.STALEMATE).capitalize()) return tuple(lines) @property def VERSIONS(self) -> Iterable: """The (Tuple) versions which offer this Game. E.g.: >>> Game().VERSIONS (-inf,+inf) """ return ntversions(self) @property def RULES(self) -> str: """A localized str of check and stalemate rules. E.g: >>>game().RULES 'Rules: First 3-same-color-in-a-row wins and stalemate draws' """ rule_list: List[Union[_CheckOption, _StalemateOption]] = list(self.MOVE_CHECKS) rule_list.append(self.STALEMATE) # TRANSLATOR: Labels {rules} as rules of a game # e.g. "Rules: First 3-same-color-in-a-row wins and stalemate draws" return _("Rules: {rules}").format( rules=str(format_list(rule_list)).capitalize(), ) def __str__(self: "Game") -> str: return "\n".join(self.STRS)
[docs] def AXES(self, fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """The board in terms of matplotlib E.g.:: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure = plt.figure(1,( Layout.FIGURE_HEIGHT, Layout.FIGURE_WIDTH, )) game.AXES(fig=figure) Args: fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure_): The Figure in which the Axes will appear Returns: matplotlib.axes.Axes_: A framework in which to place pieces """ return self.BOARD.AX(fig, self.DIMENSIONS)
@property def MARKER_SIZE(self) -> float: """The (int) size for markers in this game. E.g.: >>> Game().MARKER_SIZE 6724 """ figure_max = max(Layout.FIGURE_HEIGHT, Layout.FIGURE_WIDTH) spot_size = figure_max / max(self.DIMENSIONS) return (spot_size * Layout.POINTS_PER_INCH - Layout.MARKER_MARGIN) ** 2
class _DefaultName(NamedTuple): STR: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class DefaultName(category.Categorized): """Default names for players. E.g.:: DefaultName.PLAYER_ONE **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the name prints. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this name. """ # TRANSLATOR: Default name for a player in a game (independent of order) PLAYER_ONE = _DefaultName(STR=_("Player 1")) # TRANSLATOR: Default name for a player in a game (independent of order) PLAYER_TWO = _DefaultName(STR=_("Player 2")) # TRANSLATOR: Default name for a player in a game (independent of order) PLAYER_THREE = _DefaultName(STR=_("Player 3"), VERSIONS=from_version("1.5.0")) # TRANSLATOR: Default name for a player in a game (independent of order) PLAYER_FOUR = _DefaultName(STR=_("Player 4"), VERSIONS=from_version("1.5.0"))
class _PlayerType(NamedTuple): STR: str VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class PlayerType(category.Categorized): """Type of player. E.g.:: PlayerType.HUMAN **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the type prints. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this PlayerType. """ # TRANSLATOR: An unnamed human player in a game ANONYMOUS = _PlayerType(STR=_("Anonymous")) # TRANSLATOR: A named human player in a game HUMAN = _PlayerType(STR=_("Human"), VERSIONS=from_version("1.2.0"))
[docs]class Player(NamedTuple): """The constant parts of a player. E.g.:: Player() # To use all defaults (i.e. human) **Attributes:** :TYPE (PlayerType_): If specified, determines the type. Default is Human. """ TYPE: _PlayerType = PlayerType.HUMAN @property def VERSIONS(self) -> Iterable: """The versions in which this player can be selected.""" return ntversions(self)
class _Placement(NamedTuple): TO: Tuple[int, ...] COLOR: _Color = Color.BLACK MARKER: _Marker = Marker.CIRCLE def __str__(self) -> str: # TRANSLATOR: Names a placement in a game e.g. "Black circle to (1,2)" return ( _("{color} {shape} to {destination}") .format(color=self.COLOR, shape=self.MARKER, destination=self.TO) .capitalize() ) @property def VERSIONS(self) -> Iterable: """The versions which offer this placement. E.g.:: placement.VERSIONS """ return ntversions(self) class _Jump(NamedTuple): FROM: Tuple[int, ...] TO: Tuple[int, ...] def __str__(self) -> str: # TRANSLATOR: Names a move in a game e.g. "(2,3) to (1,2) return _("{origin} to {destination}").format( origin=self.FROM, destination=self.TO ) @property def VERSIONS(self) -> Iterable: """The versions which offer this jump""" return ntversions(self) class _Move(NamedTuple): STR: str CALL: Any = None VERSIONS: Iterable = ALL
[docs]class Move(category.Categorized): """A type of move in a game. Prints localized str. Examples:: Move.PASS Move.PLACE(COLOR=Color.WHITE, MARKER=Marker.CIRCLE, TO=(2,3)) Move.JUMP(FROM=(1,1), TO=(2,3)) **Attributes:** :STR (str): A localized name. How the move prints. :VERSIONS (Iterable): The versions which offer this Move. :TO (Tuple[int,...]): *Only for PLACE and JUMP.* destination coordinates. :COLOR (PlayerColor_): *Only for PLACE.* Color to be placed. Default is black :MARKER (Marker_): *Only for PLACE.* Shape to be placed. Default is circle. :FROM (Tuple[int, ...]): *Only for JUMP.* Origin coordinates. """ # TRANSLATOR: Move in a game when the player forfeits their turn PASS = _Move(STR=_("Pass")) # TRANSLATOR: Move in a game when the player adds a piece or card PLACE = _Move(STR=_("Place from reserves"), CALL=_Placement) # TRANSLATOR: Move in a game from one spot to another JUMP = _Move( STR=_("Reposition"), CALL=_Jump, VERSIONS=from_version("1.5.0"), ) # TRANSLATOR: Move in a game when the player offers a voluntary draw OFFER = _Move( STR=_("Offer to draw"), VERSIONS=from_version("1.5.0"), ) # TRANSLATOR: Move in a game when the player accepts an offer to draw AGREE = _Move( STR=_("Agree to draw"), VERSIONS=from_version("1.5.0"), ) # TRANSLATOR: Move in a game when the player rejects an offer to draw REFUSE = _Move( STR=_("Refuse to draw"), VERSIONS=from_version("1.5.0"), )
# Delay this until after all constants are declared; otherwise the strings will # get translated upon declaration, and that will prevent us from changing # language later (since we will have lost the original strings) _ = category.babelwrap._ # defaults['misc']['prompt'] = _('What\'s your move? (\'#,#\' or q/z/n for quit/undo/new game)') # defaults['misc']['illegal'] = _('That is not a legal option.') # defaults['misc']['error'] = _('Error in program') # defaults['misc']['draw'] = _('Draw') # defaults['shape'] = { '__type__' : 'shape', # 'mobility' : _('no movement'), # 'power' : _('no power'), # 'initial_reserves' : [5,4] } # defaults['phase'] = { '__type__': 'phase', # 'pass' : _('no voluntary pass') } # defaults['rules'] = { # '__type__': 'rules', # 'name': _('a game'), # 'players_type': _('2 players'), # 'colors_type': _('assigned colors'), # 'dimensions': [3, 3], # 'shapes': [ defaults['shape'] ], # 'board_type': _('hash'), # 'initial_state': [ ], # 'phases': [ defaults['phase'] ], # 'turn_density': _('1 piece/turn'), # 'draw_option': _('no voluntary draw'), # 'stalemate_result': _('stalemate draws'), # 'move_checks': [ _('first 3-same-color-in-a-row wins') ] # } # class FormatAs(Categorized): # """Function to apply localized formatting to strings. E.g: # FormatAs.TURN(player="Player 1") # Args: # **kwargs: a string for each bookmark in the str # Returns: # The localized formated string. # """ # def formatter(self, *args, **kwargs): # return self.str.format(*args, **kwargs) # TRANSLATOR: Labels {player} as having the turn in a game # e.g. "Turn: Player 1" # TURN = collections.namedtuple("FormatValue", "STR CALL")(_("Turn: {player}"), formatter) # # TRANSLATOR: Labels {winners} as the winner(s) of a game # # e.g. "Victory: Player 1 and Player 3" # VICTORY = collections.namedtuple("FormatValue", "STR CALL")(_("Victory: {winners}"), formatter)