redscience Documentation

(Also available as PDF)

Much as Fold-It and BridgeDesigner offer simulations to test new designs for drugs and bridges, redscience offers simulations to test designs for personality, team composition, governance, and ethics. Any social interaction can be modeled with game theory, so redscience lets users create and compare designs for “Olympics” and player tools (a.k.a. “teams” of “AI”). Design advances in redscience until no olympics can be conceived for which a more reliable tool can be conceived. It’s games studied rigorously enough to advance better social engineering (for both humans and AI).

redscience is open-source and accompanied by educational resources so that diverse social groups can make their own versions which they fully understand and control. It is as much a curriculum about coding as it is code.

redscience has not yet been released, but feel free to preview our plans by reading this documentation. If you want alerts when we release, you can follow our twitter acount at @redscience_ai or join the redscience-announce GoogleGroup