Player Pages

Even an anonymous user could help train artificial intelligence by playing against it. However, the biggest advances in social science will come from inventing new personalities, teams, and games that are in some way “better” than those previously known. Only logged-in users can be a Creator.

Click the Login/Change User button loginbutton in the upper right corner to login or create a new account.

Click the Player button playerbutton next to a player’s name to launch its page:


Click the avatar, name, and/or email address at the top of your player page to change it. Your email address is visible only to yourself and to Admins.

  • The Creations Tab provides buttons to launch all players and games created by that player. The usage statistic gives the average popularity of each creation over its life.

  • The Stats Tab provides buttons to graph the evolution of the player for various games and to challenge the player to new matches.

  • The Favoritism Tab highlights other players who have historically exhibited special relationships with the player. It is useful to detect security vulnerabilities inherent to a specific AI (or human; yes, humans can have vulnerabilities too).

Logged-in users see a Copy button on game and player pages. You can create another Persona for yourself (and assign it a Universe) by clicking that button on the page of any human player.

A player can play only with other players from the same Universe, but each human player will automatically get a Persona in each Universe in which they are invited to play. Thus, you could establish private scoring among a group of friends by creating a Persona with its own private Universe, then inviting friends to play with it. Each human you invite could invite others, so invite only friends who agree about how that Universe is to be used.