babelwrap module

Permits setting a default language for _() and babel functions.


babelwrap.setlang(*langs: str) babel.core.Locale[source]

Gets/sets locale for language functions. E.g.:

setlang()  # to get the currenty set locale
setlang("zh_Hans_HK", "zh_HK")  # to set a language (e.g. for testing)
setlang("")  # to restore the default language

*langs (str) – locale names in order of preference.


The babel.core.Locale that is currently set.

The babel functions can then be used (defaulted to the set language) as follows:

print(format_unit(-12345.6789, "second"))
print(format_list(["Alvin", "Simon", "Theodore"]))
print(_("Hello world!"))


babelwrap.format_datetime = functools.partial(<function format_datetime>, locale=Locale('en'))

Default locale from setlang() Otherwise: Return a date formatted according to the given pattern.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> dt = datetime(2007, 4, 1, 15, 30)
>>> format_datetime(dt, locale='en_US')
u'Apr 1, 2007, 3:30:00\u202fPM'

For any pattern requiring the display of the timezone:

>>> format_datetime(dt, 'full', tzinfo=get_timezone('Europe/Paris'),
...                 locale='fr_FR')
'dimanche 1 avril 2007, 17:30:00 heure d’été d’Europe centrale'
>>> format_datetime(dt, "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz",
...                 tzinfo=get_timezone('US/Eastern'), locale='en')
u'2007.04.01 AD at 11:30:00 EDT'
param datetime

the datetime object; if None, the current date and time is used

param format

one of “full”, “long”, “medium”, or “short”, or a custom date/time pattern

param tzinfo

the timezone to apply to the time for display

param locale

a Locale object or a locale identifier


babelwrap.format_decimal = functools.partial(<function format_decimal>, locale=Locale('en'))

Default locale from setlang() Otherwise: Return the given decimal number formatted for a specific locale.

>>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(1.2346, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(-1.2346, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='sv_SE')
>>> format_decimal(1.2345, locale='de')

The appropriate thousands grouping and the decimal separator are used for each locale:

>>> format_decimal(12345.5, locale='en_US')

By default the locale is allowed to truncate and round a high-precision number by forcing its format pattern onto the decimal part. You can bypass this behavior with the decimal_quantization parameter:

>>> format_decimal(1.2346, locale='en_US')
>>> format_decimal(1.2346, locale='en_US', decimal_quantization=False)
>>> format_decimal(12345.67, locale='fr_CA', group_separator=False)
>>> format_decimal(12345.67, locale='en_US', group_separator=True)
param number

the number to format

param format

param locale

the Locale object or locale identifier

param decimal_quantization

Truncate and round high-precision numbers to the format pattern. Defaults to True.

param group_separator

Boolean to switch group separator on/off in a locale’s number format.


babelwrap.format_list = functools.partial(<function format_list>, locale=Locale('en'))

Default locale from setlang() Otherwise:

Format the items in lst as a list.

>>> format_list(['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'], locale='en')
u'apples, oranges, and pears'
>>> format_list(['apples', 'oranges', 'pears'], locale='zh')
>>> format_list(['omena', 'peruna', 'aplari'], style='or', locale='fi')
u'omena, peruna tai aplari'

These styles are defined, but not all are necessarily available in all locales. The following text is verbatim from the Unicode TR35-49 spec [1].

  • standard: A typical ‘and’ list for arbitrary placeholders. eg. “January, February, and March”

  • standard-short: A short version of a ‘and’ list, suitable for use with short or abbreviated placeholder values. eg. “Jan., Feb., and Mar.”

  • or: A typical ‘or’ list for arbitrary placeholders. eg. “January, February, or March”

  • or-short: A short version of an ‘or’ list. eg. “Jan., Feb., or Mar.”

  • unit: A list suitable for wide units. eg. “3 feet, 7 inches”

  • unit-short: A list suitable for short units eg. “3 ft, 7 in”

  • unit-narrow: A list suitable for narrow units, where space on the screen is very limited. eg. “3′ 7″”


  • lst – a sequence of items to format in to a list

  • style – the style to format the list with. See above for description.

  • locale – the locale


babelwrap.format_percent = functools.partial(<function format_percent>, locale=Locale('en'))

Default locale from setlang() Otherwise: Return formatted percent value for a specific locale.

>>> format_percent(0.34, locale='en_US')
>>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='en_US')
>>> format_percent(25.1234, locale='sv_SE')

The format pattern can also be specified explicitly:

>>> format_percent(25.1234, u'#,##0‰', locale='en_US')

By default the locale is allowed to truncate and round a high-precision number by forcing its format pattern onto the decimal part. You can bypass this behavior with the decimal_quantization parameter:

>>> format_percent(23.9876, locale='en_US')
>>> format_percent(23.9876, locale='en_US', decimal_quantization=False)
>>> format_percent(229291.1234, locale='pt_BR', group_separator=False)
>>> format_percent(229291.1234, locale='pt_BR', group_separator=True)
param number

the percent number to format

param format

param locale

the Locale object or locale identifier

param decimal_quantization

Truncate and round high-precision numbers to the format pattern. Defaults to True.

param group_separator

Boolean to switch group separator on/off in a locale’s number format.


babelwrap.format_unit = functools.partial(<function format_unit>, locale=Locale('en'))

Default locale from setlang() Otherwise: Format a value of a given unit.

Values are formatted according to the locale’s usual pluralization rules and number formats.

>>> format_unit(12, 'length-meter', locale='ro_RO')
u'12 metri'
>>> format_unit(15.5, 'length-mile', locale='fi_FI')
u'15,5 mailia'
>>> format_unit(1200, 'pressure-millimeter-ofhg', locale='nb')
u'1\xa0200 millimeter kvikks\xf8lv'
>>> format_unit(270, 'ton', locale='en')
u'270 tons'

Number formats may be overridden with the format parameter.

>>> import decimal
>>> format_unit(decimal.Decimal("-42.774"), 'temperature-celsius', 'short', format='#.0', locale='fr')

The locale’s usual pluralization rules are respected.

>>> format_unit(1, 'length-meter', locale='ro_RO')
u'1 metru'
>>> format_unit(0, 'length-mile', locale='cy')
u'0 mi'
>>> format_unit(1, 'length-mile', locale='cy')
u'1 filltir'
>>> format_unit(3, 'length-mile', locale='cy')
u'3 milltir'
>>> format_unit(15, 'length-horse', locale='fi')
Traceback (most recent call last):
UnknownUnitError: length-horse is not a known unit in fi

New in version 2.2.0.

param value

the value to format. If this is a string, no number formatting will be attempted.

param measurement_unit

the code of a measurement unit. Known units can be found in the CLDR Unit Validity XML file:

param length

“short”, “long” or “narrow”

param format

An optional format, as accepted by format_decimal.

param locale

the Locale object or locale identifier