1.1 GUI Tic-Tac-Toe


Adapt the Command Line Tic-Tac-Toe to work entirely with the mouse. Require separate clicks to select a move (at which point the move displays highlighted as “proposed”), and to accept it. Add a count-down timer that resets to one minute every time the turn changes and automatically accepts the proposed move when the minute is up. Any player who does not select their move before the timer runs out, or who leaves the playground before the game is complete, loses. In addition to displaying the name of the game being played, display its rules (piece-specific rules like ability to move or capture can be displayed via tooltip).


Randomly assign each player two private impulses: Subtle vs. Basic (33.333% frequency) and Rare vs Common (20% frequency). Having private impulses provides strategic advantage in games for which opponents could exploit predictability; we level the playing field by making them available to all players.

Acceptance Test Plan

Test each of the clickable elements and test that it displays appropriate errors for invalid entries

Potential Mockups

To start from command line:


Home Page


Shown as of GUI Tic-Tac-Toe Version


Shown as of 1.6 Various Games (to anticipate the evolution of the page)

  • The “Go Back” (fa-arrow-left, style=info) button navigates to the previously open page (if any).

  • The “Go Home” (fa-home) button navigates to the Home Page (already there).

  • The “Login/Change User” button (fa-user-circle-o) ends the session (after 1.4 Secure Tic-Tac-Toe Version, it will navigate to the Change User page)

  • The comboboxes prefill the most recent selections by the user and the top five options are the user’s most recent five selections. Where the user’s personas appear in the comboboxes, they appear with each possible augmentation. If the user has personas with the same name, also display the universe. If an augmentation other than “alone” is selected, an associated augmentor combobox appears.

  • The “Show Leaderboard” button (fa-th-list) navigates to the Leaderboard tab of the associated Game

  • The augmentation dropdown offers options naming the user with each available augmentation. It defaults to Anonymous (alone) for anonymous users and to the user’s most recent selection for other users. If an augmentation other than “alone” is selected, an associated augmentor combobox appears.

  • The “Show Player” button (fa-address-card-o) navigates to the Stats tab of the associated Player

  • The “Play New Game” button (fa-fort-awesome) navigates to the Playground Page.

Playground Page


Shown as of GUI Tic-Tac-Toe Version


Shown as of 1.10 Introspecting AI (to anticipate the evolution of the page)

  • The name of the player with the current tuurn displays in the upper right along with the form of augmentation (“Moving” if not augmented).

  • Recommendations by an augmenter (and spaces cited in justification) are highlighted in blue. Exclusive spaces have a diagonal pattern in the color(s) to which they are exclusive. Locked spaces are covered with a grid; sticky spaces are coverd with dots; cloaked spaces are hovered with a haze. If the augmentation is “Reviewing” or “Debating” and the augmenting AI predicts probabilities, then those scores display over each legal “To” for the active move.

  • The avatars and assigned colors of the other players are shown in order of play (next player first). If there are no invisible spaces, then also display the total count of each other player’s reserves. For the user, however, show count by shape, and allow the user to see rules specific to that shape as tooltips. The display of impulses are indicated by icons (fa-heartbeat).

  • The bar on the bottom of the page changes to gray as the time runs out. If the user has prefilled a move, but has not accepted it, then it will automatically be accepted when the clock runs out; otherwise, the player who let the clock run out loses.

  • The active move is indicated by an arrow (fa-arrow-circle-right). If multiple moves are permitted in a turn, then default to the last move; clicking the text of an inactive move sets it to active. If piece-type/color can be edited, then clicking the text of the active move toggles its piece-type/color. Clicking a piece in the reserve will change the piece-type/color of the active move to match.

  • If “From” can be edited, then clicking on a piece that can be moved changes the “From” of the active move to those coordinates (or the coordinates of the top piece of the stack), covers the “From” with a green X, clears all subsequent moves and the “To” of the active move, and highlights all possible “To” coordinates in green. If the user is not playing with “Delegated” augmentation, this will also disable “Accept Move”.

  • If the “From” of the active move is already specified or cannot be edited, then clicking any legal “To” coordinates changes the “To” of the active move to those coordinates and places a small piece highlighted in green at the clicked coordinates. If that leaves all moves fully specified, then it enables “Accept Move”. Otherwise, it sets the active move to the next not-fully-specified move.

  • Clicking a proposed move on the board (small highlighted piece) clears its “To” and any subsequent moves. If the user is not playing with “Delegated” augmentation, this will also disable “Accept Move”.

  • If the augmentation is “Reviewing” or “Debating” and the augmenting AI predicts probabilities, then the threshold float select appears above the avatar of the augmenting AI (default to the value most recently selected by the user for that augmentor and game), and an analysis select displays under the moves. Display the sensitivity analysis if the analysis select is set to analyze the proposal.

  • If the user is augmented by a team, then clicking the icon of the bot will toggle the explorer to a different bot in the team (or toggle the debater if debating).

  • The “Accept Move” button (fa-check, style=success) advances the turn. If the move is not fully specified (i.e. the user is playing with “Delegated” augmentation), then the non-human player fills the gaps. The contents of selected cloaked spaces are revealed only after the selections are accepted.