1.12 Team Games


Modify the General Intelligence Games program to allow users to compare the results of different techniques for forming teams (rather than assume a team of one). Teams are meant for general intelligence–i.e. facing diverse (and new) challenges. Playing by delegating, reviewing or debating with a team should permit users to swap the augmentor mid-game/tournament, when the nature of the game/tournament is better understood.

Create a new type of player called “Team” which is a set of AI players created by the creator of the Team (each AI can have only one team), plus optionally the Random bot. joining a team will automatically append “of {team name}” to the display and comparison of the the member’s name, so the individual name becomes available to AI that are not on a team. On the other hand, member names must be unique within a team, so AI must change its name before joining a team that already has a member with the same root.

A member’s chance of being selected to represent its Team in an event is that member’s squared current skill rating in that event divided by the sum of all members’ squared current skill ratings in that event. Do not display Curriculum for Teams, but offer an option to copy the entire Team at its current state of development. Allow users to view the stats (rating is best rating among team) and learning curve at the Team level. Also allow users to view specialization among members as a color-map of rule sets vs members displaying the users’ choice of either Job Share (i.e. percent of last 100 games assigned to that member), Rating, Accuracy, F1, or Long Game.


At the start of each event, the system uses a global AI model to select one member to be the Explorer, but it maintains its own game-classification tree to support that model. A member’s F1 for a given node of the tree is its average F1 for all games under that node weighted by the inverse of the distance of the game leaf to the node. Each statistic in the specialization colormap can similarly be calculated for each tree node. Revise the tree after each full game, sort events in the colormap by their position in the classification tree, and permit users to view the dendrogram of any statistic and member.


Allow users to set Teams to maintain “Observers”. If this is set, whenever game/experiment outcomes are learned whichever member has the largest number of observations of the event will also learn the outcome (even if not serving as Explorer/Debater). If the event is brand new to the team, then a brand new member will be created to be the observer for that event.

Acceptance Test Plan

Test each of the clickable elements and test that it displays appropriate errors for invalid entries. Create three teams of brand new players for each team size from one up to one more than the number of events and train them all on Train1-5. The first team of each size should use your best algorithm for all members, the other two of each size should use a mix of learning algorithms. Do they end up evolving the same specializations? Benchmark forks of these teams on Test–are larger teams always better?

Create at least five more teams of your optimal team size, but of members trained individually: one made from forks of champions of Train events, another made purely from forks of your generalist from Release 9 (before observing Test), another made of similarly individually trained generalists but with diverse learning algorithms, another made from one novice plus forks of generalists, and at least one more made of a sensible mixture of specialists, generalists, novices, and/or members from your original teams. Benchmark all of these new teams on Test against each other, and against forks of your best teams so far (including a Team that has already mastered Test).

Explore the weaknesses of your best team. Is it vulnerable to the security attacks that worked in Releases 8 and 9? Although no single player may be better at adapting to new rules, are there some rule sets for which your best team cannot match continuously learning individual specialists? If so, what do those rule sets have in common (i.e. what kinds of situations might best be delegated to less-general intelligence)?

Potential Mockups

Members Tab

  • The bots combobox offers the name of AI created by the creator of this Team (or Corp) that are not already affiliated with a Team (or Corp); for Corps, also offer “Random” if not already a member. The “Add” button (fa-user-plus) adds a column for the selected AI

  • The stat dropdown offers “Job Share” (default), “Rating” (for Teams only) “Accuracy”, “F1”, and “Long-Game” (“Teach”, “Empath”, “Explore Share” and “Debate Share” are added for Corp in Corp). Selecting a value changes what values appear in the table.

  • The “Show Player” buttons (fa-address-card-o) navigate to the Stats tab of the associated slayers

  • The rows of the table are sorted by cluster ID and the columns are sorted by “All events”. The “Sort by this Row” buttons re-display the table sorted by the values in the associated row; if already sorted by that row, reverse the order. Clicking on any event row also cycles the rows to make the selected row fourth (i.e. moves a block of rows from the top to the bottom, or vice-versa).

  • The “Remove from Team” buttons (fa-trash-o) show only if the stat is “Job Share” and the member’s “Job Share” does not exceed 1% for any event. Clicking it removes the associate member from the Team or Corp and refreshes the table.

  • Each stat is a “Show Evolution” button which saves the current record and navigates to the Evolution Page with one row for each member who has ever been in the Team or Corps top five (plus the selected member) with the selected stat and event. For specific events, the hue and luminosity of each button scales from black/blue to the colors of hot metal (see heatmap_style).

Potential Schema


def heatmap_style(heat=0, max_heat=100, min_heat=0, hue_offset=200, hue_range=230):
  """CSS styles for heatmap areas. Varies from black (cool) to white, and by hue

      heat (float): The heat the heatmap area (default is 0)
      max_heat, min_heat (float): The range of possible heats. heat will be
          be shifted into this range (default is 0-100)
      hue_offset (float): The hue of min_heat (default is 200, blue)
      hue_range (float): The size of the hue range. Set hue_range=0 for constant
          hue. Set positive hue_range to traverse the color wheel clockwise.
          Set it >360 to repeat hues (default is 230)

      str: e.g. "background-color:hsl(200, 70%, 10%); color:hsl(0, 100%, 100%);"

  min_heat, max_heat = min(min_heat, max_heat), max(min_heat, max_heat)
  norm_heat = (max(min(heat, max_heat), min_heat)-min_heat)/(max_heat-min_heat)
  return ("background-color:hsl({bghue}, 70%, {bglum}%); color:hsl(0, 100%, {txlum}%);".format(
      bghue = str(int((norm_heat*hue_range)+hue_offset)%360),
      bglum = str(int(norm_heat*88)+10),
      txlum = str(int(norm_heat < 0.65)*100) ))

# Example use:
import numpy as np
cont = "<p style='{0} text-align:center; padding: 1px 0; width:34px; height:28px;'>{1}%</p>"
rows = []
for data_row in data:
  row = []
  for value in data_row:
      row.append(widgets.HTML(value=cont.format(heatmap_style(value, max_value), str(value))))